Sunday, September 7, 2008

Steven's Non-Political, Non-Football Post

so my good friend steven has threatened me in no uncertain terms that i had better put up a blog post that doesn't involve politics before i start posting about the start of the NFL season.

so...... i couldn't think of much to blog about. i mean, i saw two butterflies fucking the other day. that was interesting.....

my brother and his wife (and my niece) are doing well and with power over in baton rouge. they lost power monday during the day and the lights came back on sometime late friday night.

of course, you wouldn't hear anything about this because new orleans wasn't really affected by hurricane gustav.

much like when i tell people i was born in illinois and they say, "oh, you're from chicago?" there is more to illinois than chicago. just as there's more to louisiana than new orleans... not that you would ever know that.

so... beyond the butterflies. and some movies i could talk about but haven't wowed me just now. i thought i'd talk about what is, possibly, the worst movie going experience in recent memory.

this tops the sunday some friends and i decided to see the dark knight and the manager didn't show up to open the ticket booth of the concession stand until well after our movie (not to mention others) had already started.

no.... this was while actually attempting to watch the movie...

we went to see brideshead revisited last night...after i had read the book not so long ago i was really looking forward to the film. i think the movie was pretty good. not great... far from great. and far from the original spirit of much of the book. it's a very loose, very abridged version of the book (i just purchased the BBC miniseries and i hear this version will not disappoint).

but i couldn't tell you exactly how good or how bad the movie is because.... i was so distracted from the most ill-mannered movie audience you can imagine.

first off... can you please arrive, if not before the previews begin, at least before the movie begins? how can anyone concentrate when people can't find seats in the dark because, oh...i dunno? THE MOVIE HAS STARTED!

but there was also three armenian or eurotrash couples that decided to sit in front of us and then divide up by gender... the three men in front of us... the three women just on the other row opposite.

the women talked the entire time. the men... one of which was wearing too much dolce & gabbana which took me unpleasantly back to an ex-lover named frederico (maybe they were italian?)... and they talked the entire time. and laughed.

dramatic climax of the movie... these motherfuckers are laughing and sharing jokes.

steven said, "SHUT UP" which one of them did.... but really....unbelievable etiquette.

but the worst... the WORST... were the two young bitches (sorry, carey) who sat on either side of us... that incessantly text-messaged throughout the entire movie.

the one directly to my left came by herself. at first, i was proud of her independence as i wanted to go to the movie that evening but not being saturday night.

but here she was... kinda groovy. very independent. well, apparently...being on her own... she truly didn't notice anyone else around her. she was flinging her purse around. flipping it open, flipping it shut. tossing around her popcorn bag and slamming down her drink.

and texting.... and texting... and texting more than anything. steven counted about 20 times before he went out to the lobby, told the person behind the bar (yes, there's a bar at this theatre) that he had better find an usher for steven "right now" because he was pissed about a texter.

the manager arrived. steven told him he had no problem pointing out the rude texter... and he did. and the manager, i guess, asked her to leave. because suddenly, she was gone.

as steven explained to the manager: "i've paid $9.50 to see this movie and she has been texting no less than 20 times... and i'd like to attempt to enjoy the last fifteen, twenty minutes of the film."

viola! gone.

i asked steven, "what about the other one?" to our right.... her face was lit up throughout the movie with the size of her texting device. steven said, "let her try it again. i'm more than happy to tell her: 'you really wanna text? because i just got that woman thrown out and i'm happy to do the same for you.'"

i'm not sure if she noticed the other woman being kicked out... if she had become drawn into the movie... or if she too were distracted by the laughing, obnoxious trash that separated us by the end of the film (because the men in front of us had decided to leave for about 20 minutes before they came back just in time to ruin the end of the film).

you know... this is an "art house" theatre where you would expect a higher calibre of movie goers. wasn't some comedy or even a dark indy comedy.... it was brideshead revisited. evelyn waugh. but there they were....

i'm constantly amazed by the lack of courtesy found at the movies... especially the smaller movie houses i tend to visit (me, the ultimate movie snob).

anyway... thanks for reading my rant.

and's your non-political, non-football post.

steer clear tomorrow.


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