Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I Just Have To Say...

i looooove this weather.

midday monday a wonderful thing occurred. autumn came to houston.

as my loyal readers understand.....i experienced an early taste of fall when i made my trip to the midwest late september. fall never begins so early for texas.

i was spoiled.... miserable back in the houston humidity.

now....the days have spent their time barely in the 70's. a crisp autumn breeze assisting with the season. nights have been in the 50's.... maybe even the 40's.

it's amazing.... i have been experiencing an odd sense of melancholia as of late. perhaps post coital birthday blues.... a reflective state i couldn't shake....

but this weather. this glorious, cooler weather. what most texans would call "cold" weather (although - those of us with yankee blood coursing through our veins know better), has broken the spell and reawakened me.

most people love the spring and summer.... but give me cold, overcast days and i'm a happy man.

i want to write..... i want to snuggle into my cold bed at night and read.....

this is the time of year i start becoming my most productive, i think.

perhaps it's odd that a person with so many hang-ups about death craves the season when nature dies or goes to sleep.....

but what can i say? i'm a man of contradictions.....

how else can you explain my love of football?


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