Monday, September 10, 2007

Reality Check

a friend sent me an interesting post from cnn's political ticker just a moment ago. apparently, ole flip-flop romney's boston campaign headquarters was broken into sometime between last night and this morning.

a television and 8 laptop computers were stolen.

the story itself is not all that interesting.... but the posts by the general public below the story are fascinating.

cary from lowell, in writes: "doesn't surprise me, especially if this is found to be done by the liberal left. They'll stoop to anything to make a gain."

fabian palomino of nyc posted: "Looks like Hillary's hired gun private investigator Anthony Pellicano has gone on an early plumbing expedition. I suggest to Giuliani's campaign staff that they go to Costco and buy some extra locks. That's why I want Obama to win, I'm sick of the Clintons dirty tricks."

and matt from nebraska declares: "Another break-in. Wow, deja vu! You'd never guess there was a Clinton in the run for the White House!"

people, people, people...... let's stop and check back in with the wonderful world of reality for a moment.

we're in a primary election. primaries..... that means they're running against people in their own party.

not that hillary's camp would ever do anything like this... not that any democrat would stoop to nixonian tricks.... but for the sake of argument - let's say you thought this was hillary. why would she break into mitt's campaign headquarters? she's not running against mitt.

hillary's running against other democrats. mitt's running against other republicans.....

do people who read these political websites not quite understand how the process works?

besides.....hillary is beating rudy in national polls. rudy is beating all the other GOP candidates. i'm sure she's handily beating mitt. so....really....i doubt she's too worried.

people, please.... think before you post.


happy birthday, salsez.... you look fabulous for fifty!

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