Monday, February 9, 2009

Return of the Live Blog II

okay....i do a quick spell check on the previous post and suddenly we're talking about the RV capitol of the world. did i miss a turn....?

okay... "stabilizing the housing market." we seem to be back on course.

breaking news!
president obama does not have a crystal ball.

well, shit... now we're all fucked.

oh, there's ed henry of cnn. oh, wow... interesting. he's brought up the policy of the white house not allowing the flag-draped coffins returning to the united states to be broadcast. since he's promised so much transparency, will he reverse it? wow.... good question. tough question.

obama reminds everyone it's a timely question: four soldiers were killed in iraq today. but he brushes it off and says they're reviewing it and will not give a definite answer until they're done reviewing the policy.

ugh...what a dodge!

as far as afghanistan.... once again: reviewing all the details and information and intel regarding that forgotten war. sounds like he wants to refocus military efforts on afghanistan. and that includes more diplomacy.

and he just brought up 9/11. a bit of a throw-back to the bush years... but it worked. and bush would've brought it up in the first 2 minutes of the conference.

no timetables. huh...sounds like another throw-back to the bush years.

return to/of credit
another question about the need for credit and lending. he wants everyone to wait for tim geitner to make his announcement tomorrow. seems fair, i guess. he is the new treasury secretary. no need to steal his thunder.

okay....i'm drifting, questions are drifting. obama got his first laugh when a question about a joe biden comment came up and he said he doesn't exactly remember what "joe was referring to."

oh, that crazy joe....

holy shit... a brother from the washington post wasted his question asking about a-rod's use of steroids. seriously? i mean...what's obama gonna say? "well shit, blood. you know.... it improved his game and he kicked some ass. i say god bless 'im!" NO! of course he finds it sad and disappointing... but he seems to think baseball is on the right track to setting things right.

and helen thomas gets a question. probably the final question... she asks about pakistan and if obama knows of anyone who has nuclear weapons.

he gave an answer about pakistan that, i'm sorry, i zoned out. i was thinking about helen and placing the washington post in italics.

but he will not speculate concerning nuclear weapons but he believes conversations need to begin anew about the need for a reduction in nuclear weapons....with the united states leading the way.

glad to hear that.

nope.... helen does not go last and is not allowed a follow-up. but she's on the front row again.

the huffington post goes next. and they ask about any potential prosecution of bush officials or will obama "officially" rule it out now.

he does not rule it out... but does say he's interested in looking forward. but also says he does not think anyone is above the law.

oh! i see ben smith of politico. good site....

and he ends at 8pm CST.

wow... what an interesting change of pace from the past 8 years. not smugness. no verbal fuck-ups. not bravado.

he was serious. he was compelling. he was specific about the stimulus package. a nice inaugural news conference.

and with that... we spell check and sign off.

it feels good to watch a competent, DEMOCRATIC president again.


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