Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quick Post Debate Wrap-Up

okay, so.... tonight was the 21st democratic debate. but the first debate since february.

ummmm.... not all that interesting, truth be told. nothing new to really share. so how about we make this a quick hit update?

not sure my heart is in this post tonight but i feel i must......

post debate quick hits
--in the opening statement obama used the term "frustration" twice. but not "bitter."
--hillary gave a nice statement from constitution hall noting that "neither one of us were included in those founding documents."
--really ABC? a commercial break just five minutes into the debate? why not just say "this debate brought to you by verizon wireless"? or even better... just call it the "scott's turf builder democratic debate."
--a nice opening question...once again asking why not a joint ticket? why should the loser not be the veep choice? of course...neither candidate jumped on that one.
--so glad they were standing for the debate. i hate when they sit. they should be as uncomfortable as we are watching them bullshit their way around answers.
--first direct question to obama was about the "bitter" comment.
--hillary seemed very uncomfortable throughout the first part of the debate. not really knowing where to look. her body language is usually so strong.
--when pressed on whether obama could defeat mccain hillary said, "yes. yes. yes."
--can hillary defeat mccain? answered obama: "absolutely."
--(thank buddha we have that settled. now go tell the voters!)
--i can't believe obama actually brought up hillary's 1992 "cookie" quote in defense of his bitter statement. cheap shot. so much for looking forward...
--charlie gibson actually asked the question: why did obama disinvite reverend wright from his candidacy announcement? barack gave a round-about answer.
--when asked about hill's comment that wright would not have been her pastor? "i was asked a personal question and i gave a personal answer." well done.
--there was a long, drawn out section on the reverend wright issue... hillary should have let it go when she had a chance but she decided to push the knife in just a bit deeper. i thought it seemed petty.
--it was a tough first half hour for obama.
--hillary is asked about the bosnia misstatement and her low "honesty" rating. she basically said: "i was tired. i embellished. forgive me." i.e. "i lied. sorry." not a great answer.
--i love this exchange:
obama (sounding high and mighty): i haven't spoken about bosnia.
george: but your campaign has.
obama: of course.
yeah....nice. you are truly a god among men... especially the men in your campaign.
--obama seems really rusty in his debate skills. he's reverted back to long, convoluted answers. maybe he's just really shaken?
--obama was asked about the lapel pins, william ayers... (did obama just compare senator coburn to 70's bomber ayers? i mean, yeah... coburn is a fucker for wanting abortion doctors to face the death penalty, but really? he may have just lost a friend...)
--hillary has been calmly cutting away at obama all night. chipping away slowly without anger or shrillness. she brings up points and says "this is what the GOP will bring up." listen up, super delegates!
--scratch the 30 minute comment... obama had a fucking rough first 45 minutes.
--then we got into a bunch of the same... i'll bring troops home... i won't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000 a year... obama had a nice moment on "the president sets the mission not the generals." hill scored with her "union jobs" comment. she remains so confident on foreign policy.... obama stumbled on the payroll tax question.... there was actually a question about gun control....
--does ambienCR have a guy with a lisp doing their voice over work....?
--i love how tough charlie and george are... they seem to be the first moderators who didn't let obama get away with anything. i also felt they pushed clinton just as hard.
--the media will call bias because of george's relationship to the clintons.
--i thought ABC's "obama versus clinton" voice over at each commercial break was tacky. just call it the fucking democratic debate.

quick post debate analysis analysis
i turned on msnbc and keith olbermann was already full into spin in order to help obama out.... calling the questions "tabloid" and bringing up stephanopoulos's clinton ties.... saying george only asked the william ayers question because conservative pundits told him to... poo-pooing the reverend wright questions even though this is the first debate since it happened thus making it fair game and a legitimate opportunity to ask questions.

cnn seemed a little more balanced.... wondering if hillary's negative attacks can really help or just pull her negatives down further.

chuck todd's headline for tomorrow: "rough night for obama."

i'd have to say that hillary won the debate... no slam dunk just achieved what she needed to do.

obama was hammered by everyone and just didn't hold up as well as he probably should have. he did well... but a real argument was made tonight about his vulnerability in the general. he hasn't been vetted.

hillary is better prepared... been suffering GOP attacks for 16 years. and as she said: "i have a lot of baggage that a lot of people have rummaged through." no surprises with hillary.

hmmmm..... i should be deriving more pleasure from all of this.

did i mention that i erased both the sunday morning political talk shows without even watching them....?

i'm so burned out on politics.

crazy, huh?


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