Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year's Blah Blah

happy new year...exactly one week late...and my apologies, my lovelies.

i've been busy, tired, movie-watching and just all around sluggish. so i thought i'd wrap up some end of year/beginning of year thoughts in a nice, tidy post.

i have made some tentative plans for the new year. call them resolutions, if you must.... i prefer to think of them as ways to improve my happiness. maybe "improve" is the wrong word. increase?

like much of the masses and against the sage advise of my beloved epiphenita.... i do plan to diet and lose some of my excess tonnage. i do it for a couple of reasons.... but (and i don't think most people can argue against this) mostly because i am simply unhealthy at my current weight and i'm finding simple tasks taxing once again:

--walking up to the top row of a movie theatre.
--bending over to tie my shoes.
--simply finding a comfortable way to sit as my stomach pushes itself up into my chin.

two years ago i lost over 50 pounds... i have slowly and successfully put all 50+ pounds back on.

hooray for me!

so, yes... the dieting, the exercising....the probable veganism is back in my present.

i am being smart and not using january 1 as my start date. for this i think sister epiphenita of the disapproving sneer can congratulate me. i do agree that january 1 is too arbitrary a date.

i have some left over remnants from the holidays that did cost money and i refuse to throw away. these are mostly various cheeses from the wisconsin parental units and other yummies. it's also the big BCS week and i plan to enjoy my games.

this weekend, however, it's on.

but i've also wanted to make some other decisions to help better myself.

--cut back on t.v. viewing. this has been helped immensely by the cancellation or season end of several of my favorite shows. (fuck you, ABC, for canceling my pushing daisies.)

--attend the theatre more. it's embarrassing how little i attend the theatre considering i plan a life in the venue.

--i've always wanted to draw a subject out of a hat and then research it for the month.... pick twelve topics that have always interested me and then look into them. i hope to start that this weekend.

--and finally.... i want to write at least one thing new each month. it could be a short play... a scene in a new, longer play. it can be a short story or an entry into a book of essays i'd like to pull together à la david sedaris and sloane crosley.

i need to keep my creative juices flowing. last year was a great year for me creatively. another 10 minute piece produced and the completion of my two act. this year i will focus on shopping around the two act and creating my next two act.

plus, hopefully, a 10 minute (see if i can keep the streak alive) and a 20 minute piece (to enter for the first time in theatre southwest's festival of originals).

these are mental and health improvements i'd like to make... i realize they are assumed to be resolutions and i don't mind the label. but i need to continue the creative flow and get back to a healthy weight so i don't start losing appendages to diabetes.

plus...a heart attack at 35 is just embarrassing.

boy, ya know.... i had plans to talk about all these other topics: rick warren, the obama inauguration, the "oops" richardson appointment.... frost/nixon, slumdog millionaire, doubt, the texans, the longhorns.....

but i think i'll keep this entry devoted to thoughts on the new year. i'll do an NCAA football wrap up after tonight's championship game... and there will be plenty of movie and oscar posts in the coming two months.

for now... i hope everyone had an enjoyable new year's eve. i wish you all the best in 2009.

and thank vishnu bush #43 is gone in 12 days!


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