Monday, May 5, 2008


so i'm home for lunch... nestling in on the sofa to enjoy my leftover peanut tofu while catching up on the latest political news.

msnbc is at a commercial break so i turn to cnn. i catch the tale end of a story and then...just as i'm about to dish the first fork-full of food into my mouth...

"it's lunchtime and another food recall announced today. before you take your first bite, you'll want to hear this."

i pause... almost wanting to laugh since i'm sitting there...frozen. a fork with tofu and waterchestnuts staring me in the face.

and then.... COMMERCIAL BREAK!

grrrr... ARGH!

i figured it was probably death anyway... so i dug in. as it turns out... yes, more chicken and beef recalled.

so i'm safe. just irritated once again by the 24 hour news cycle.


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