Friday, September 14, 2007

John, John, John....

ole "hope is on the way" edwards aired the above message following the president's speech to the nation last night.'s the problem i have with this message..... beyond the fact that he paid for the 2 minute commercial time to air this on msnbc after the speech....and that really - his campaign is so stalled that nobody asked him to come on a post-debate analysis show to rebut the president.

i was really enjoying his message.... some great points... a good attack on the president.

but then...about a minute and 30 seconds in....he gets to the part where he says we're stuck with a "congress without the courage to bring them (the soldiers) home."

no, johnny boy.....we're stuck with a congress without 67 votes to override a veto. they may be able to garner the 51 votes they need to end the war - but bush will veto. they'll never get 67 votes to override his signature.

so then people say - cut off the funds. sure....cut off the funds and then the republican party accuses democrats of not supporting the troops.... cutting off the money needed to provide them body armor, etc.

i always point back to max cleland of georgia. a triple amputee of the vietnam war... his patriotism questioned when he didn't support the war. he lost his senate seat.

biden speaks the truth, my friends. we'll never end this war until there's a democrat in the white house. we're stuck there for at least another year and half.

and it's real easy to accuse congress when you no longer work under the capitol dome.....

i like edwards... but how 'bout a little honesty?


a very smart friend of mine emailed me this afternoon and told me that edwards was not merely attacking the democrats but all of congress.... including the 49 republicans. it's a good argument - and one that could easily be used by the edwards team should dems start fighting back at his words.

but i submit this thought process to you: it's primary season. edwards is running against democrats. he needs to attack the two democrats that are ahead of him in the polls. the two democrats that are in congress.

i think we know who he was attacking......

besides....the majority of the public merely knows that the dems control congress and they're mad as hell that harry and nancy haven't brought our troops home and ended this war. 51 votes versus 67 votes mean nothing to the majority of americans.

i think it's careless of edwards to make this attack and further the belief that democrats in congress are too cowardly to end the war.

and all in order to stir up some numbers in the polls....


1 comment:

epiphenita said...

I don't know, eric...the dems have shown some hesitancy over Iraq at a time when strength is needed. I am glad Edwards called them out, even if it's to his own advantage. And I think his timing is perfect, after asshead's speech is exactly when to air this message. I'm concerned that if we don't do our jobs and keep pressure on our elected officials (dems & reps) to stay focused, too many will slide back into bureacratic complacency and bickering. While his motives may be about campaigning, his message was right on. (And of course I still love Hillary.)